Now in many Hotel still use the traditional mode of accessing the room’s door by NFC card.Nowday,we can not only use the NFC card to enter, and more modern are through the 2d barcode reader scan the mobile phone’s barcodes,so customer can walk into the hotel room.
2d barcode reader can be embedded into smart Lock of customer room’s door in the Hotel.As long as the Two-dimensional barcode reader scan the qr code of phone’s screen,you can be identify.Because your mobile phone’s qr code stored a lot of effective personal information, as long as the 2d barcode reader enter your information into the access control management system,so that it can automatically identify your Identity.Because your personal information and community access control management system information is the corresponding, only your information is correct,the system will to respond.
So do not need to rely solely on NFC card into the hotel room, through the mobile phone’s barcodes entry information can be completed.Now in a lot of scenes are used in mobile phone scanning, 2d barcode scanner can read printed or screen barcodes.So Used the barcode scanner in the security access control application area is not only faster than before and convenient and more secure.
Products Recommended:
1. RD4500R Fixed Mount 2D Barcode Reader-Can be embedded into smart Lock for access control system
RD4500R using independent research and development of intelligent core decoding technology, can read the phone screen or paper barcodes;Core function modular design, can be achieved with the channel gates, intelligent access control, self-service terminal perfect embedded.
2. RD4100 mobile phone Desktop 2D Barcode Scanner (Two-dimensional Code APP Mobile Application)
RD4100 is RAKINDA independent research and development of desktop 2d barcode scanner equipment, embedded in the world-class two-dimensional barcode scan engine, greatly improving the efficiency of the product, mobile phone 2d barcode recognition applications with perfect performance.It can be used in Hotel ,Retail stores,Restaurants,Club.,