RFID tag is a non-contact automatic identification technology, which identifies the target object by radio frequency signals and obtain relevant data, identification without human intervention, as a wireless version of the bar code, RFID technology has a bar code does not have waterproof, anti-magnetic , High temperature, long life, read a large distance, the data on the label can be encrypted, storage data capacity is greater, the advantages of storing information freely.

1, To achieve rapid scanning:RFID tag identification accuracy, identification distance flexibility, can read and identify multiple tags at the same time, in the absence of any object coverage, RFID tags can conduct penetrating communication and barrier-free reading.

2, The data memory capacity:The maximum capacity of RFID tags is the number of MegaBytes. In the future, the amount of data needed to be carried by an object will continue to increase. The development of data capacity of a memory carrier is also constantly expanding according to the corresponding demand of the market and is now at a steady upward trend. The outlook is very impressive.

3, Anti-pollution ability and durability: RFID tags are highly resistant to substances such as water, oils and chemicals. In addition, the RFID tag is the data stored in the chip, it can effectively avoid damage caused by data loss.

4, Can be reused: RFID tags have the function of repeatedly adding, modifying and deleting data stored in the RFID tag to facilitate the replacement and updating of information.

5, Small size, shape diversification: RFID tags are not limited by the shape or size, so there is no need to match the fixing and printing quality of the paper for reading accuracy. In addition, RFID tags are also moving toward miniaturization and diversification to adapt to more different products.

6, Safety:RFID electronic tags carry electronic information, the data content is password protected, highly secure, the content is not easy to be forged and altered, theft and so on.

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Although traditional labels are also widely used, but some companies have replaced RFID tags. It is more durable than traditional labels in terms of storage capacity, safety and practicality, and is particularly suitable for applications where labeling is extremely demanding.