It’s not uncommon for self-service equipment, such as kiosks, vending machines, or ticketing machines, to have dedicated QR code scanners built into their systems. These scanners are designed to facilitate quick and efficient interactions between users and the self-service equipment.

Here are a few examples of how dedicated QR code scanners are used in self-service equipment:

Ticketing Machines: In transportation systems, ticketing machines often use QR code scanners to read electronic tickets or mobile boarding passes. Passengers can simply display their QR codes on their smartphones for a seamless entry process.

Vending Machines: Some modern vending machines utilize QR codes for payment and authentication. Users can make purchases by scanning QR codes generated by mobile payment apps.

Retail Kiosks: In retail settings, self-service kiosks may use QR code scanners to process mobile coupons, loyalty cards, or digital receipts. This enhances the customer experience by providing a convenient and contactless payment method.

Event Check-in Kiosks: At events or conferences, self-service kiosks equipped with QR code scanners are often used for attendee check-in. Attendees can present their event tickets in the form of QR codes for a quick and efficient entry process.

Library Self-Checkout Stations: Libraries may employ self-checkout stations with QR code scanners to allow patrons to check out books or other library materials independently.

The integration of QR code scanners into self-service equipment helps streamline processes, reduce waiting times, and enhance the overall user experience. It also aligns with the trend toward contactless and digital interactions in various industries.